Wednesday 24 April 2024

TV PAULISTA - plays (1952 to 1963)

Cacilda Becker on TV Paulista on Friday, 20 November 1953, at 9:00 pm.

 PLAYS produced and presented at TV Paulista from 1952 through 1963


- Noël Coward's 'Desencanto' (1945's 'Still Life) with Madalena Nicol & Graça Melo who also directed the play. 
- 'Teatro de Graça Melo' presents 'Julius' based on Chekov's 'Canto do Cisne' (1952);
- Menotti Del Picchia's 'Um drama' with Felipe Wagner (Cia.Nicete Bruno) directed by Gaetano Ghirardi; Monday, 5 May 1952
- Gaetano Ghirardi's 'Os outros' originally directed by Antunes Filho, with Valdomiro Baroni, Ricardo Landi, Lea Prado & Nelson Vilaça; 11 May 1952 (Correio Paulistano) 
- Vicente Sesso's 'O menino dos ramos' starring 12 year-old Walter Baroni, produced by Graça Melo on 25 December 1952.


- Aloísio Azevedo's 'Casa de pensão' (1884) with Jane Batista & Lino Monteiro (revista Carioca, 1953);
- 'Crime no teatro' produced by Pericles Leal broadcast live from Teatro Odeon's Sala Azul at 5:00 pm on Saturday, 28 March 1953, first anniversary of TV Paulista. 
- Pericles Leal's 'Paixão criminosa' with David Conde, Vitoria de Almeida, Gilberto Chagas, Lino Monteiro, Fernanda Conde, Joana Duarte & Luiz Dias; at 8:00 pm on 28 March 1953.
- great T.B.C. actress Cacilda Becker debuts at TV Paulista with 'Relações internacionais' ('Design for living') a one-act-comedy by Noël Coward on 28 November 1953;
- Cacilda Becker closes 1953 with 'O Telefonema' (The phone call) beamed on Thursday, 31st December 1953.


- Victorien Sardou's 'Divórcio para três' (Divorçons!) adapted by Renato Alvim, with Cacilda Becker, Ziembinsky, Jardel Filho, Fred Kleeman & Luiz Calderaro. 14 January 1954;
- Abílio Pereira de Almeida's 'A mulher do próximo' with Cacilda Becker & Jardel Filho, directed by Ruggero Jacobbi at 'Teatro Cacilda Becker' at 9:00 pm on Thursday, 21st January 1954;
- Clô Prado's 'Diálogo de surdos' with Cacilda Becker, Jardel Filho & Cleyde Yaconis; directed by Ruggero Jacobbi on 4 February 1954
- Alexandre Dumas fils' 'A dama das camélias' (La dame aux camélias') at Teatro Cacilda Becker was broadcast on Monday, 15 March 1954, at 9:00 pm; 
- Jules Renard's 'Pega Fogo' in which Cacilda Becker plays an urchin living in a slum was first set at Teatro Brasileiro de Comédia in 1950; it was beamed by TV Paulista at 9:00 on 3rd May 1954, with Fredi Kleemann and Ziembinski;
- 'Cidinha, meu amor' with Cacilda Becker & Jardel Filho, directed by Luciano Salce on 13 May 1954 (OESP); 
- Loris Rangel's 'O vorazes' with Dinah Mezzomo, Sérgio Brito, Wanda Kosmo, Loris Rangel;
- Loris Rangel's 'O crime do Palacete Isabel' with Dinah Mezzono, Sérgio Brito, Augusto Machado de Campos, Fabio Sabag; directed by Sérgio Brito on Sunday, 4 July 1954.
- Pierre Barillet & Jean Pierre Grédy's 'Inimigos íntimos' (Ami-ami) with Cacilda Becker;
- Luiz Watson's 'Tormenta' with Madalena Nicol & Carlos Cotrin (1954);
- Nino Oxilia & Sandro Camasio's 'Adeus, mocidade', play with 3 acts with Sergio Brito, Celia Helena, Amandio Silva Filho, Fabio Sabag; directed by Antunes Filho; produced by Antonino Seabra at 'Teatro da Semana', on Wednesday at 9:00 pm (1954).


- 'O final do conto', based on Jack London's 1911's short story 'The end of the story'; 
- Ugo Betti's 1946's 'A ilha das cabras' (Delitto all'isola delle capre) adapted by Alvaro Moya; with Cacilda Lanuza, Francisco Negrão, Ruth Schelske, Helena Samara & Manoel Inocêncio (some time in 1955
- José Castelar's 'O corcunda' played by Walter Avancini, with Francisco Negrão, Cacilda Lanuza, Odayr Marzano, Yara Lins etc. 11 August 1955
- Aldo Benedetti's 'Um ramo de rosas', adapted for TV by Eni Autran; with Eloísa Mafalda, Ronald Golias on 20 August 1955;
- Marcos Reis' 'Xéque a Rainha' with Mariza Martins, Francisco Negrão, Yara Lins on 3rd September 1955;
- Emily Brontë's 'Wuthering Heights' adapted by Alvaro Moya as 'O morro dos ventos uivantes' with Francisco Negrão, Eloísa Mafalda, Odayr Marzano on 24 September 1955
- José Castelar's 'Uma ressureição' at Teledrama - 8 October 1955;
- Marcos Rey's 'Ter ou não ter' with Lourdes Rocha, Odayr Marzano, Edson França, Walter Avancini, Eloísa Mafalda - 15 October 1955;
- Ugo Betti's 1946's 'Delito' (Delitto all'isola delle capre) with Francisco Negrão, Ruth Schelske & Cacilda Lanuza, produced by Alvaro Moya broadcast on 22nd October 1955;
- 'A hora de Don Juan', with Francisco Negrão, Yara Lins, Isaura Marques on 29 October 1955;
- Michel Monti's 'Um anjo caiu' with Francisco Negrão, Yara Lins on 12 November 1955;
- José Castellar's 'À procura de Silvia' with Odayr Marzano & Yara Lins 1st December 1955;


- Nelson Rodrigues' 'Vestido de Noiva' (Wedding gown) with Lourdes Rocha, Gervásio Marques & Ruth Schelske;
- José Castellar's 'Doidinha' with Murilo Amorim Corrêa, Luiz Pini & Eloisa Mafalda;
- Armando Fontes' 'Os corumbas', adapted for TV by Leonardo de Castro, starring Cacilda Lanuza, Murilo de Amorim Corrêa, Ruth Schelske & Waldyr Guedes (1956);
- 'Tragédia no circo' with Waldyr Wey, Regis Cardoso & David Conde at Teledrama 3 Leões;
- 'Tristão e Isolda' with Wilma Bentivegna (playing Isolda) and Judy Teixeira (1956);
- Eny Autran's 'Giovanni' with Walter Avancini and Judy Teixeira (1956);
- Eny Autran's 'Uma dama solitária' with Eloísa Mafalda & Francisco Negrão (1956);
- Eny Autran's 'Ensaiando Romeu e Julieta' with Janete Gayer & Odayr Marzano (1956);
- 'Sempre no meu coração' with Wilma Bentivegna, Walter Avancini, Cacilda Lanuza on 30 March 1956
- 'Farrapo humano' (The lost weekend) based on Charles Reginald Jackson's 1944 novel made into a Hollywood movie directed by Billy Wilder; Francisco Negrão plays writer Don Birnam, who's about to splurge on an alcoholic binge; Ruth Schelske plays Helen, the writer's bride-to-be; Percival Ferreira plays Nat; produced by Leonardo de Castro; directed by Clodoaldo Seabra & Helio Quaresma; 3rd May 1956.
- Garcia Lorca's 'Bodas de sangre' adapted & produced by Alvaro Moya with Edson França, Cacilda Lanuza, Lucy Meirelles, Lourdes Rocha, Homem de Melo on 'Teledrama' at 9:30 on 9 June 1956
- 'Pássaro na gaiola' produced by Marcos Rey with Odayr Marzano & Eloísa Mafalda (1956);
- William Wilkie Collins' 1859's 'The woman in white' adapted by Renan Alves as 'A mulher de branco' with Yara Lins broadcast on 1st September 1956
- Jorge Amado's 'Terras do sem fim' adapted for TV by Davi Conde with himself as Coronel Horácio, Walter Ribeiro dos Santos, Yara Lins, Edson França, Borges de Barros, Manuel Inocêncio, Cacilda Lanuza, Percival Ferreira, Valdyr Guedes, Regina Macedo, Alda Machado, Luiz Guimarães, Roberto Rosas, Lucy Meirelles; directed by Elio Tozzi supervised by Alvaro Moya; shown on Saturday, 13 October 1956
- Lima Barreto's 'Clara dos Anjos', adapted by Alvaro Moya with Lourdes Rocha, Odayr Marzan, Murilo Amorim Correa. 27 October 1956;
- Marcos Rey's 'Mundo violento' with Cacilda Lanuza, Walter Avancini, Gervásio Marques, Edson França on 29 December 1956.


- Leonardo de Castro's 'Sempre no meu coração' with Wilma Bentivegna, Waldyr Guedes, Walter Avancini, Luiz Pini, Cacilda Lanuza, Leda Forbes.  Beamed on Sat. 30 March 1957
- Joyce Anstruther's 'Mrs Miniver' with Cacilda Lanuza & Murilo Amorim Corrêa playing the roles made famous in Hollywood by Greer Garson & Walter Pigeon in 1942; 1st June 1957
- Patrick Hamilton's 'Festim diabólico' (Rope) based on a 1929 play; adapted by David Conde, with Odayr Marzano, Edson França, Waldyr Guedes; 8 June 1957;
- 'A tragédia de Mayerling' (Mayerling Incident) produced by José Castellar, based on the murder-suicide of Prince Rudolf of Austria who shot his 17 year-old mistress and then shot himself a little later; Odayr Marzano plays the Prince and Ruth Schelske plays Mary von Vetsera, plus Roberto Maya, Lucy Meirelles, Gervásio Marques on Saturday;  22nd June 1957
- 'Eu matei Rasputin' with Edson França; beamed on 9 August 1957
- Marcos Reys' 'Mundo violento' with Cacilda Lanuza, Walter Avancini, Ivete Jayme & Gervásio Marques (1957). 
- 'Vitoria' with Yara Lins & Francisco Negrão adapted by Alvaro Moya for 'Teledrama' (1957);
- 'Correntes ocultas' based on 1946 movie 'Undercurrent' in which Walter Forster plays the part done by Robert Mitchum & Barbara Fazio plays Katherine Hepburn's original role (1957);
- 'As cartas de Madeleine', directed by Alvaro Moya with Barbara Fazio (Madeleine), Odayr Marzano (Emílio), Aurélio Teixeira, Julio Nagib (October 1957);
- Sidney 'Paddy' Chayefsky's 1954's 'Mãe' (The mother) with Cacilda Lanuza, produced by Álvaro Moya for 'Teleteatro 3 Leões';
- Aluísio Azevedo's 'O cortiço' with  Eloísa Mafalda e Lourdes Rocha (1957)
- José Castellar's adaptation 'A última conquista' with Lucy Meirelles, Lucy Rangel & Anita Morandini beamed on Saturday, 11 October 1957, at 9:00 pm. 
- 'Silêncio das trevas' with Cacilda Lanuza, Waldyr Guedes, Eloísa Mafalda, Edson França (October 1957); 


- 'Dama das camélias' (La dame aux camélias) Nidia Lícia plays tragic Paris courtesan Marguerite Gautier; 
- 'O estrangulador' with Lourdes Mayer, Waldyr Guedes, Rogério Marcico, Lucy Meireles; presented by Jacy Campos at 'Camera Um' from Rio de Janeiro on 3rd May 1958
- 'Medéia' 17 May 1958
- 'Os sinos de Santa Maria' based on the 1945 RKO film 'The bells of Saint Mary's' with Cacilda Lanuza playing Sister Mary Benedict (originally played by Ingrid Bergman); Waldyr Guedes plays Bing Crosby's Father Chuck O'Malley on Saturday, 24 May 1958 at 9:30.
- 'As mulheres' adapted by Claudio Petragia; with Yara Salles, Mary Gonçalves & Cacilda Lanuza (1958);
- José Castellar's 'Máscara traiçoeira' with Yara Lins & Walter Ribeiro dos Santos;
- José Mauro de Vasconcelos' 'Arara vermelha' adapted by José Roberto Silveira with Edson França, Borges de Barros, Lourdes Rocha, Rogerio Marcico, 15 July 1958;
- Mark Twain's 'Loucuras de um milionário' (The million pound note), adapted by Claudio Petraglia with Rogério Márcico, Ruth Schelske & Moura Barbosa; Saturday, 2nd August 1958.
- Jacy Campos presents 'A história de Teresa' with Anilza Leoni, Alberto Perez, Lourdes Mayer on 10 August 1958;
- Jacy Campos presents 'O paralítico' with Carlos Duval as the paralictic, Lourdes Mayer, Ribeiro Fortes & Alberto Perez (1958); 
- José Castelar's 'Um filho para Sua Alteza' a musical comedy with Walter Forster as the King who needs a male heir plus Hebe Camargo, Wilma Bentivegna, Maximira Figueiredo, Osny Silva on 26 August 1958
- William Shakespeare's 'A megera domada' (The taming of the shrew) adapted by Heloísa Castelar with Odayr Marzano (1958);
- Oscar Wilde's 'O retrato de Dorin Gray' with Gervásio Marques & Waldyr Guedes (1958);
- William Wyler Wyler's 'The desperate hours'; adapted from the Hollywood movie as 'Horas desesperadas' with Edson França playing the role originally played by Humphrey Bogart plus Waldyr Guedes, Rogério Marcico, Regis Cardoso & Eloísa Mafalda; direction by Elio Tozzi; on 10 September 1958.
- David Conde's 'Sindicato de ladrões' an adaptation of Budd Schulberg's 'On the waterfront' with Edson França playing Terry Malloy (Marlon Brando), Cacilda Lanuza as Edie Doyle (Eva Marie Saint), Borges de Barros, Rogério Márcico, Magno Marino etc. 20 September 1958;
- João Martins' 'A noite do agiota', produced & directed by Jacy Campos at his 'Camera Um' with Lourdes, Mayer, Carlos Duval, Renato Restier, Jorge Oliveira, Aristeu Bergher, Geraldo Mayer & Jonas Bloch on 21st September 1958, at 10:00 pm.
- 'Gilda' adapted from Charles Vidor's 1946 movie by Heloísa Castellar & Claudio Petraglia with Yara Lins & Edson França playing the roles made famous by Rita Hayworth & Glenn Ford on 10 October 1958;
- José Castellar's 'Os farsantes' with Odayr Marzano, Maximira Figueiredo, Gervasio Marques, on Saturday, 18 October 1958
- 'A luz se apagou' with Cacilda Lanuza & Renan Alves (1958);
- Mario Sette's 'Clarinha das rendas', a 1927 short story adapted to TV by Heloísa Castellar with Edson França & Maximira Figueiredo (1958); 
- Jacy Campos presents at 'Camera Um' the Portuguese drama 'A Severa' with Gilda Valença in the title-role and Armando Nascimento, Aracy Cardoso, Avalone Filho (1958). 


-  Mario Donato's 'A vida do poeta Alvares de Azevedo' in the series 'Construtores de S.Paulo' with Walter Avancini, Percival Ferreira, Yvete Jayme, Nelson Morrisson, Moacyr Franco & Cesar Brasil on 20 February 1959 at 8:00 pm.
-  Dashiel Hammet's 1931's 'A chave de vidro' (The glasse key) with Edson França, Rogerio Marcico, Yara Lins, Wilma Bentivegna on 14 March 1959;
- Mario Donato's 'Construtores de São Paulo' the life of Dr Emilio Ribas, with Edmundo Lopes playing the public-health doctor; broadcast on 27 March 1959;
- Jacy Campos presents 'Catalepsia' starring Lourdes Mayer, Edmundo Lopes, Carlos Duval, Cesar Brasil & Tilde Serato; TV direction of Brancato Junior; beamed on Sunday, 3rd May 1959 at 10:00 pm;
- 'A tempestade na rua 32' a US play I cannot find the original title; with Riva Blanche, Roberto Duval, Teresa Amayo, Medeiros Filho, Lucy Meireles, Sérgio Aparecido, Agostinho dos Santos e Zeni Ferreira; produced by Jacy Campos; TV direction by Brancato Junior; beamed on Sunday, 10 May 1959
- Euripedes' 'Medéia' with Luiz Tito, Ida Gomes, Riva Blanche; 17 May 1959.
- Oscar Wilde's 'O retrato de Dorian Gray' with Gervásio Marques & Waldyr Guedes (1959)
- 'O Cadillac de ouro' ('The solid gold Cadillac') adapted by Anita Greis from a Broadway play written by George S.Kauffman, Abe Burrows & Howard Teichmann which was made into a movie by Columbia Pictures in 1956, starring Judy Holliday;
- 'Desejo satisfeito' written and acted by Procópio Ferreira in 'Procópio e seu Teatro de Comédia' on Tuesday, 27 October 1959, at 9:40 pm.

- Vinícius de Moraes' 'Orfeu da Conceição', adapted for TV by Fernanda Conde with Edson França as Orfeu, Cacilda Lanuza as Clio, Chocolate as Apolo & Maximira Figueiredo as the murdered victim of Aristeu (1959);
- 'O destino bate à porta' with Branca Ribeiro, directed by Vicente Dias Vieira;
- 'Um dia sem novidades' with Ricardo Nóvoa, Medeiros Filho, Waldyr Guedes & Regina Macedo; produced by Walter Avancini. 
- 'Abismo insondável' adapted by Leonardo de Castro with Ruth Schelske as Elizabeth Barrett (1959). 

- 'A que renasceu' (January) with Cacilda Lanuza; 
- 'O quarto azul' produced by Libero Miguel with Ivete Jayme for 'Tele-teatro Mesbla';
- 'Crepúsculo de prata' prod. by L.Miguel;
- Andreiev's 'O homem que levava bofetadas' with Waldyr Guedes;
- Daphne Maurier's 'Estalagem maldita' (Jamaica Inn) based on 1939 Hitchcock film; with Ricardo Nóvoa, Waldyr Guedes & Lucy Meirelles:

1962: 'Catarina II' with Elosísa Mafalda & Renato Pereira. 

1963: 'Salomé' with Liria Marçal as Salomé, Orozco as John the Baptist, Renato Master.

7 May 1952, Monday; Felipe Wagner in Menotti del Picchia's 'Um drama' directed by Gaetano Ghirardi; 12 May 1952, Wednesday: Gaetano Ghirardi's 'Os outros' with Valdomiro Baroni, Ricardo Landi, Lea Prado & Nelson Vilaça. 
Vicente Sesso's 'O menino dos ramos' produced by Manoel Carlos starring 12-year-old Walter Baroni, Egídio Ecio, Waldomiro Baroni, Fabio Sabag. 'Correio Paulistano', 25 November 1952.
28 November 1953 (Correio Paulistano) Cacilda Becker (* 6 April 1921 + 14 June 1969) of Teatro Brasileiro de Comédia is signed by TV Paulista. Miss Becker showcases her talent in Noël Coward's 'Relações Internacionais' ('Design for living') a one-act-comedy;  15 March 1954 - Miss Becker plays Marguerite Gautier in Alexandre Dumas fils' 'A dama das camélias' (La dame aux camélias') at Teatro Cacilda Becker on Monday, at  9:00 pm.
26 November 1953 - Grande Teatro Kibon with Cacilda Becker, directed by Ruggero Jacobbi.
Miss Becker in  Pierre Barillet & Jean Pierre Grédy's 'Inimigos íntimos' (Ami-ami) in 1954.
21st January 1954 - Teatro de Cacilda Becker presents Abílio Pereira de Almeida's 'A mulher do próximo' with Miss Becker & Jardel Filho, directed by Ruggero Jacobbi. 'Correio Paulistano' Thursday; 4 February 1954 - Clô Prado's 'Dialogo de Surdos' with Cacilda Becker, Jardel Filho & Cleyde Yaconis, on Thursday at 9:00 pm.
3rd May 1954 - Cacilda Becker plays Pega Fogo, an urchin living in the slums on Jules Renard's 'Pega Fogo' which Miss Becker played originally at Teatro Brasileiro de Comédia in 1950; on 13 May 1954, Cacilda Becker & Jardel Filho star in 'Cidinha, meu amor' directed by Luciano Salce, an Italian director that would return to Italy in the late 50s and direct good films and TV shows at RAI (O Estado de S.Paulo).  
'Teatro de Madalena Nicol' on Tuesdays presented Brazilian and foreign plays in 1954; Jane Batista & Lino Monteiro in Aloísio Azevedo's 'Casa de pensão', beamed in 1953. 'Carioca'.   
16 April 1954, Good Friday (Correio Paulistano) Ruggero Jacobbi's 'Judas' based on a poem by Alberto Perrini with Paulo Goulart as the despicable traitor, Nicette Bruno as Maria Magdalena and Walmor Chagas as the Corypheus.
O Teatro de Mistério presents Loris Rangel's 'Os vorazes' with Dinah Mezzomo & Sergio Brito in 1954; Loris Rangel's 'O crime do Palacete Isabel' is beamed on Sunday, 4 July 1954, with Dinah Mezzomo, Sérgio Brito, Augusto Machado de Campos (Correio Paulistano).
Madalena Nicol & Carlos Cotrin in 'Tormenta' (Jornal das Moças, 1954).
Jean Jacques Bernard's 1920's 'O fogo mal avivado',(Le Feu qui Reprend Mal) (The fire that does not start), directed by Antunes Filho with Sergio Brito, Wanda Kosmo, Sidneia Rossi & Eugenio Kusnet; at 9:00 pm on TV Paulista (1954).
Nino Oxilia & Sandro Camasio's 'Adeus, mocidade', with Sergio Brito, Célia Helena, Fabio Sabag at 'Teatro da Semana' (1954); José Castelar's 'O Corcunda' with Walter Avancini in the title-role, directed by Olga Navarro & Elio Tozzi on 11 August 1955.
Aldo Benetti's 'Um ramo de rosas' produced by Eny Autran with Eloísa Mafalda & Ronald Goliaswho was both a regular actor as well as a comedian. 'Correio Paulistano, 20 August 1955; Marcos Reys' 'Xéque à Rainha' with Mariza Martins, Francisco Negrão, Yara Lins, on 3rd September 1955
Michel Monti's 'Um anjo caiu' with Francisco Negrão & Yara Lins broadcast on Saturday, 12 November 1955; Walter Avancini & Judy Teixeira in Eny Autran's 'Giovanni' in 1956.
26 August 1955 (ad on 'Correio Paulistano') - Jack London's 'O final do conto' (The end of the story) with Francisco Negrão, Cacilda Lanuza; 22nd October 1955, Saturday at 9:30 pm Italian playwright's 'Delito' (Delitto all'isola delle capre) with Francisco Negrão, Ruth Schelske & Cacilda Lanuza, produced by Alvaro Moya.
3rd December 1955, Saturday, Correio Paulistano - José Castelar's 'À procura de Silvia' with Yara Lins, Odayr Marzano, Edson França; Revista do Rádio no. 493 (1959) reviews Vinícius de Moraes' 'Orfeu da Conceição', adapted for TV by Fernanda Conde with Edson França as Orfeu, Cacilda Lanuza as Clio, Chocolate as Apolo & Maximira Figueiredo as the murdered victim of Aristeu.
24 September 1955 - Alvaro Moya's adaptation of Emily Brontë's 'Wuthering Heights' (O morro dos ventos uivantes) starring Francisco Negrão, Eloísa Mafalda, Odayr Marzano & others; 27 October 1959 - Correio Paulistano - Procópio Ferreira's own play 'Desejo Satisfeito' is beamed on Tuesday at 9:40 pm.
Garcia Lorca's 'Bodas de sangre' shown on 6 June 1956, at 9:30 pm. 
13 October 1956 - Jorge Amado's 'Terras do Sem Fim', adapted by David Conde, with Walter Ribeiro dos Santos, Yara Lins, Edson França, Cacilda Lanuza, Lucy Meireles etc. 
Eloísa Mafalda & Francisco Negrão in Eny Autran's 'Uma dama solitária' in 1956; Yara Lins & Francisco Negrão in 'Vitória', adapted by Alvaro Moya & Claudio Petraglia (1957).
1st June 1957 - 'Rosa de Esperança' (Mrs Miniver) with Cacilda Lanuza; 26 August 1958 (A Gazeta Esportiva) 'Um filho para Sua Alteza' with Walter Forster, Hebe Camargo, Wilma Bentivegna etc.
8 June 1957 - 'Rope', retitled 'Rope's End' for its American release, is a 1929 English play by Patrick Hamilton. It was said to be inspired by the real-life murder of 14-year-old Bobby Franks in 1924 by University of Chicago students Nathan Leopold and Richard Loeb. In 1948, it was made into a film in Hollywood directed by Alfred Hitchcock; Jacy Campos presents 'A Severa' at Camera Um at 10:00 pm (1958). 
Hebe Camargo in the musical comedy 'Um filho para Sua Alteza'. 
Elizabeth Darcy nee Natália Peres de Souza (*2nd December 1912 +10 January 2010) receives instructions from TV director Antônio Seabra, Radiolândia 1956
Borges de Barros is picked as best TV actor by Radiolândia in 1956 for his portrayal as a deranged henchman in Jorge Amado's 'Terras do sem fim' shown on Saturday, 13 October 1956. 
Murilo Amorim Corrêa in 'Doidinha', Radiolândia 1956.
Waldyr Guedes & Ruth Schelske in José Castellar's teledrama 'O álibi', in Radiolândia, 1956.
Lourdes Rocha, Gervásio Marques & Ruth Schelske in 'Vestido de Noiva', in 1956.
Ruth Schelske weds Alfredo Cini on 16 April 1958. They met at TV Paulista where she was an actress and he a cameraman. Revista do Rádio no. 454; Miss Schelske reads a script in 1957.
Ruth Schelske marries Alfredo Cini in 1958, Radiolândia.
Ruth Schelske, actress & Alfredo Cini, cameraman.
Linda Russo (garôta-propaganda) & Ruth Schelske next to a Channell 5 camera.
Ruth Schelske in 1951; 2nd August 1958 - Mark Twain's 'Loucuras de um milionário' (The million pound note) adapted by Claudio Petraglia with Rogério Márcico, Ruth Schelske & Moura Barbosa. 
9 August 1957 David Conde plays the Russian monk in 'Eu matei Rasputin' (I killed Rasputin) beamed on Saturday at 9:30 pm. 'Gazeta Esportiva' shows a photo of Fernanda Margareth, Eloísa Mafalda, David Conde as Rasputin and Regina Macedo. The play was directed by Alvaro Moya with sets designed by Leonidas Karso.
3rd May 1958 at 9:30, Lourdes Mayer in 'O estrangulador' (The strangler) with Waldyr Guedes, Rogério Marcico, Lucy Meireles ('Folha da Manhã'); 
6 September 1958
, Saturday, at 9:30 pm - Folha da Manhã - Heloísa Castelar's 'Horas de Desespero' with Waldyr Guedes, Eloísa Mafalda, Ruth Schelske, Edson França, Rogério Marcico.

24 May 1958 (ad on 'Folha da Manhã') 'Os sinos de Santa Maria' (The bells of Saint Mary's) with Cacilda Lanuza playing the role made famous by Ingrid Bergman and Waldir Guedes doing Bing Crosby.
Gervásio Marques was at his peak when he played Oscar Wilde's most extraordinary character in 'The portrait of Dorian Gray' in 1958
10 October 1958 - King Vidor's 1948's film 'Gilda' is adapted to TV by Heloísa Castellar & Claudio Petraglia with Yara Lins playing the main role and Edson França as done by Glenn Ford; 'As mulheres' with Yara SallesMary Gonçalves & Cacilda Lanuza (1958).

6 December 1958 (Folha da Manhã) author Mario Donato tells the life of President Campos Salles on 'Construtores de São Paulo' with Daniel Guimarães.
2nd, 3rd & 4 April 1958 - Osmano Cardoso rehearsed TV Paulista's actors for Eduardo Garrido's 'O mártir do Gólgota' with Odayr Marzano playing Jesus and Lourdes Rocha as Mary Magdalene. The play was shown 7 times at Circo Piolin at Largo do Paisandú.
20 September 1958 - 'Sindicato de ladrões' based on Bud Schulbert's 'On the waterfront' with Edson França, Cacilda Lanuza, Borges de Barros, Rogério Márcico.
30 April 1959 (Ultima Hora) Anita Greis translates 'The solid gold Cadillac' (O Cadillac de ouro) for Teledrama; Radiolandia no. 269.
14 March 1959 - Dashiel Hammet's 'A chave de vidro' (The glass key) with Edson França, Rogerio Marcico, Yara Lins, Wilma Bentivegna etc.; 17 May 1959 - Euripedes' 'Medéia' with Luiz Tito, Ida Gomes, Sergio Malta, Riva Blanche; TV direction by Brancato Jr. (Correio Paulistano).
3rd May 1959 - Jacy Campos, originally from Rio presents 'Catalepsia' at his Camera Um on Sunday at 10:00 pm; starring Lourdes Mayer & Edmundo Lopes; directed by Brancato Jr.; 10 May 1959 - 'A tempestade na Rua 32' presented on the next Sunday night with Riva Blanche, Roberto Duval, singer Agostinho do Santos; presented by Jacy Campos. 
10 August 1958 (Folha da Manhã) - Jacy Campos presents Anilza Leoni in 'A História de Teresa' with Alberto Perez & Lourdes Mayer; on the right Radiolandia; 27 August 1960, with Anilza Leoni & Jacy Campos in his 'Câmera Um' show.
21st September 1958 - Jacy Campos presents João Martins' 'A noite do agiota' with Lourdes Mayer, Renato Restier etc.; 20 February 1959 - Mario Donato's 'Vida do poeta Alvares de Azevedo' in the series 'Construtores de São Paulo' with Walter Avancini; narrated by Walter Forster. 
Walter Avancini as the Invincible Vigilante in 'Clímaco César's 'O Justiceiro Invencível' on Channel 5 os Tues, Thurs & Saturdays (1961); on the right is Waldyr Guedes in Andreiev's 'O homem que levava bofetadas' on Grande Teatro OVC (1961).
'A que renasceu' - 1961 - from left to right (standing) Cacilda Lanuza, Mario Brasini & Lucy Meireles; (sitting) Maximira Figueiredo, Osmano Cardoso & Edmundo Lopes. Setting by Campello Netto. 
'Catarina II' with Eloísa Mafalda & Renato Pereira beamed in 1962.

'Folha de São Paulo', 12 April 1964, Sunday - Twelve days after the military putsch toppled President João Goulart government - that would spell the end of TV Paulista in a matter of no more than a year. The military that plotted against the elected government hailed from a section of the Brazilian Army that opposed President Getúlio Vargas who had been instrumental in the O.V.C. (Organização Victor Costa) acquisition of TV Paulista. Mr Victor Costa made his career at Rio de Janeiro's Radio Nacional which belonged to the Federal Goverment - being originally purchased by Vargas in 1936. President Goulart had been Mr Vargas's Labour Minister and was hated by the right wing which eventually promoted the coup against Goulart and his popular government. 

We don't really know what the word 'novo' (new) means in this ad. Apparently, so far it was 'business as usual'... but TV Paulista was in its last months. As soon as the new military government took over they gave a concession to 'O Globo', a right-wing Rio de Janeiro newspaper to establish its own TV network that eventually took over TV Paulista, a few more years it destroyed TV Excelsior and became the the major TV station in the country for 50 years. 
A very young Denis Carvalho (* 27 September 1947) was only 16 when he played one of the youth roles in TV Paulista's last novela 'Eu amo esse homem', in 1964. Marcia Cardeal (1948-2020) played his young love interest. Nydia Licia was the star of the soapie. 

Nota Bene:  most of photographic material on this page was taken from Facebook's "TV Paulista, Canal 5 (1952-1965)". We'd like to thank administrator Elizabeth Snt Oliveira for her expertise in the field. 

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